Tucci Band Announces Big Changes and “The Tucci Project”

Sarasota, FL- Steve Tucci, leader of the Tucci Band, has some big news for their fans. The new name for the band will be “The Tucci Project!” They have an upcoming tour starting in the fall and big changes are in store for the band. In early September, the band will have a new state of the art website that is being developed by the team at Sande Caplin & Associates. Steve and his son Michael spent many hours a few weeks ago with Sande’s team and a dynamic and exciting website is in the works.

Read the full story here


"Tucci plays with energy and passion. It’s as good a mix of blues and southern rock as you’ll hear, undoubtedly tracing to the classic sounds of a genre that’s now, remarkably, almost 50 years old."
—Jim Hynes, Elmore Magazine

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Copyright 2021 The Tucci Project | Website by Sande Caplin & Associates

Photos by Dex Honea, Vutti Photography, Facebook Photos, Steve Tucci